We will meet at 3:30 PM at the lawn near the 5th floor Math Building entrance and take pictures of the class. We will get down to the classrrom, split the students into four teams, and start the competition afterwards. The winning teams will get prizes. Some special prizes will be given to the most useful team member on every team.
We will learn to multiply permutations. Finishing the first handout, we will figure out what configurations of the 3 puzzle are solvable and what are not. If time permits, we will finish the lesson solving some olympiad-style problems.
Before we cover a specific topic, we will be solving some fun problems from a previous year's Math Olympiad. In addition, we will be solving problems from various topics in mathematics in order to gauge our knowledge of these topics.
During this first meeting we will discuss some beautiful problems from the Russian Math Olympiad. We will solve problems from geometry, algebra, combinatorics, emphasising on how to organize our proofs.
In the Fall quarter, we will study Boolean algebra also known as the algebra of logic. A working knowledge of binary numbers is a prerequisite for the study. During this class, we will learn/refresh some basic properties of the binary numbers. As always, we will have some Math olympiad-style problems for warm up.
In the Fall quarter, we will study Boolean algebra also known as the algebra of logic. A working knowledge of binary numbers is a prerequisite for the study. During this class, we will learn/refresh some basic properties of the binary numbers. As always, we will have some Math olympiad-style problems for warm up.
This week, we will introduce sets and functions, and discuss some of the properties of functions. We will also solve a few fun problems at the end of the meeting.
Today we will continue our study of proofs. We will continue doing examples of both direct proofs and proofs by contradiction, as well as introduce the idea of a proof using contrapositives.
During the first hour, we will finish the first handout by going through the binary completion, subtraction and division algorithms at the board, followed by discussing a solution to the farmers and chicken problem. The second hour will be a problem solving session. The central problem of the session has originated in the first century AD and is solved using binary numbers!
During the first hour, we will finish the first handout by going through the binary completion, subtraction and division algorithms at the board, followed by discussing a solution to the farmers and chicken problem. The second hour will be a problem solving session. The central problem of the session has originated in the first century AD and is solved using binary numbers!
Working in groups, we will solve a variety of geometry problems. In the second hour, each group will present a solution of one of the problems they worked out in the first hour.
This week, we will continue our explorations of functions on sets, focusing on countable infinite sets and their equivalence. We will finish with fun, miscellaneous problems.
This week, we will be solving problems involving parity. We will look at how properties of even and odd numbers can help us solve problems involving chessboards, symmetry, dominoes, and other topics.
Today we will continue working on proofs by induction and finish up the handout from last week. It would be helpful for the students to review Problems 1+2 on the second page of the handout from last week (available in last week's announcement) in preparation to today's session.
We will talk about combinations and permutations, and we will count elements in a given set in two different ways. This will give unexpected formulas between combinations (also called binomial coefficients), that are very hard to prove algebraically.
We will be discussing two alternatives to our "normal" method of multiplication: Egyptian multiplication and Russian Peasant multiplication. We will learn how these methods work, and determine which are more effective.
This time we will learn how to use Boolean Algebra to solve logical problems near effortlessly. Once finished, we will solve some problems that could help our AMC8 participants to perform better at the competition and should be interesting and entertaining for the rest of the class.
This time we will learn how to use Boolean Algebra to solve logical problems near effortlessly. Once finished, we will solve some problems that could help our AMC8 participants to perform better at the competition and should be interesting and entertaining for the rest of the class.
This week we will discuss a few facts about angles, and we will learn how to draw angles using protractors. Furthermore, we will learn how to draw a circle by using grid lines and by using a compass. Please bring the following items to the meeting: colored pencils, a ruler, a compass, and a protractor.
This week, we have a guest speaker. Pooja Rao will tell us about the normal distribution, and at the end we will do an experiment, using the microwave and some popcorn.
This week we will continue our discussion of symmetry using mirrors. Using Reflect-It Mirrors, we will explore 2-mirror systems, 3-mirror systems, and various triangular kaledeidoscope configurations.
We will explore the combinatorics of placing non-attacking rooks in a chess board. In how many ways can we place n non-attacking rooks on a n x n board? how about if we do not allow rooks to be on the diagonal of the board? We will explore these and other questions and techniques for doing these counts.
We will take another look at the material we have studied, from the division algorithm to Boolean algebra to hypercubes. We will also solve a bunch of cool olympiad-style problems.
We will take another look at the material we have studied, from the division algorithm to Boolean algebra to hypercubes. We will also solve a bunch of cool olympiad-style problems.
The Intermediate I class will meet in the graduate students lounge, MS 6620, right away. Our regular room will be taken by another class. After an hour of problem solving, the Intermediate II class will join the Intermediate I class in MS 6620 and the fight will commence. In the meantime, volunteering parents will set up the tables in the rear part of MS 6620. At 6:00, the winners will be announced and rewarded, and the party will begin!
The intermediate II class will solve problems in their regular room, MS 6S 6201 for one hour. After an hour of problem solving, the Intermediate II class will join the Intermediate I class in MS 6620 and the fight will commence. In the meantime, volunteering parents will set up the tables in the rear part of MS 6620. At 6:00, the winners will be announced and rewarded, and the party will begin!
This week we will work on word problems that involves two or more people or things working together to complete a task.
You can find this week's handout as well as solutions below.
For homework, please complete problems 1-2 from the Kangaroo Problems below. Show all your work and be prepared to explain what you did.
Building on our experiment from last week, we'll dive a bit further into probability, and compute the probabilities of various events when rolling a pair of dice.
This week we will continue doing word problems on percentages and working together.
For homework, complete the handout.
Please prepare your 2 problems (#10,11) on index cards to be able to exchange them with your fellow students.
Also, prepare complete solutions to #3,4 on the math kangaroo handout.
This week, we will start our discussion of combinatorics going over the multiplication principle, the addition principle, multiple independent events and permutations.
For homework: please review the combinatorics handout and prepare complete solutions to Math Kangaroo problems 5 & 6.
We will meet on the lawn next to the 5th floor entrance and spend the first half an hour of the class measuring various objects on campus, a building, a street light, and possibly a crane. We will then get back to the classroom and compare our findings. After that, we will get back to the second handout and resume working on it starting with Problem 13.
We will meet on the lawn next to the 5th floor entrance and spend the first half an hour of the class measuring various objects on campus, a building, a street light, and possibly a crane. We will then get back to the classroom and compare our findings. After that, we will get back to the second handout and resume working on it starting with Problem 13.
We will continue studying similar figures in the first half of the lesson. Then we will get acquainted with the most natural unit to measure angles, a radian.
We will continue studying similar figures in the first half of the lesson. Then we will get acquainted with the most natural unit to measure angles, a radian.
This week we are starting our exploration of modular arithmetic. For homework, prepare complete solutions to math kangaroo problems 9 &10.
**Math Kangaroo Problem 10 was originally posted with a typo. A corrected version is posted below.**
We will continue to discuss modular arithmetic this week. More specifically, we will learn about congruency classes and how we can use modular arithmetic when discussing powers. Please redo the combinatorics quiz from last week and bring in your solutions.
This week, we will be using modular arithmetic to explain divisibility rules. We will be able to create divisibility rules for essentially any number. Please bring in your solutions to Math Kangaroo problems 11 and 12.
For an hour and a half we will learn a few interesting facts related to the number Pi. During the final half hour of the class, we will turn our attention form Pi to pies.
For an hour and a half we will learn a few interesting facts related to the number Pi. During the final half hour of the class, we will turn our attention form Pi to pies.
This week we will review the last handout from Pi Day and work on the toughest 2015 Math Kangaroo exam. Please make sure you completed all of the Pi Day handout prior to coming to class.
Today we will study how to circumscribe varous polygons. That is, given a polygon we will try (if we can) to find a circle containing the vertices of the polygon. We will focus on exploring when we can circumscribe a quadrilateral.
The goal of this lesson is to provide support for the upcoming Logarithms and Life talk by Samir Mallya. First, we will solve a couple of warm-up problems. Then we will study some basic properties of exponential functions and logarithms. At the end of the class, if time permits, we will study carbon dating, a way to estimate the age of a fossil based on half-life of the Carbon 14 isotope.
This week, we are exploring 1D and 2D geometry.
Handout corrections:
Problem 2 (page 3 and 4), "|AB|=" should read "|AP|=" for all parts.
Problem 3d (page 6), "|AP|-|BP|" should read "|BP|-|AP|".
In preparation for Tyler's MathMovesU project presentation, we will refresh our knowledge of Boolean algebra and study its new representation by means of logic gates, hardware devices that power our computers, smartphones, and more.
This week, we will start our exploration of number bases focusing on special relations between different bases.
For homework, complete the handout through page 5.
The plan for the class is as follows. First, Mark Ponomarenko presents his solutions to Problems 16 and 17 from the previous handout. Then we discuss some basic properties of the universal gates, the NAND and NOR operators. This takes the first hour. For the duration of the second hour, Tyler Weigand presents his MathMovesU project.
In preparation for Jessamine's presentation, we will take a look at the most fundamental law of nature, the energy conservation law. We will learn about the kinetic and potential enrgy of a body moving next to the Earht's surface, pay a short visit to Europa, an icy Jovian moon, and more.
We will continue studying the handout from the previuos class. If we finish it in one hour, Jessamine will make her presentation after it. If going through the handout takes the entire class, Jessamine's presentation will move to 5/31.
Part 1: Thaleia Zariphopoulou
Title: Outsmarting the risk of a bet! Learn what a derivative is, how to price it and how to hedge its risk.
Part 2: Renyuan Xu
Title: Magic, games, google, and ... math?? Do you want to be a mathematician? (Well, maybe not). How about a googler? (Well, maybe ...) What about know a few things about magic? (That is tempting...) Simple come and enjoy, maybe just the treats!
This week we explored the 27-card trick that utilizes ternary bases (base 3). You can watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7lP9y7Bb5g
For the second half of the class, we reviewed topics from the quarter.
For the first hour, we will continue studying the handout on kinetic and potential energy, and motion. Jessamine will present her MathMovesU project, Running through Math, after the break.