UCLA Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle

Math Circle People

Steering Committee

Olga Radko was the Founding Director of the LAMC (now called the UCLA Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle in her honor). Olga received her Ph.D. in mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2002 specializing in Poisson Geometry, and worked in the UCLA department of Mathematics ever since. Olga started LAMC in 2007 and led it until her death in 2020.  Please see the In Memoriam page for more information about Olga.

ORMC is now governed by the Steering Committee.  Please see our Leadership Page for more information about its membership. 

Management Team

Tom Gannon is the deputy director of ORMC and a Hedrick Assistant Professor at UCLA. Tom received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in Spring 2022. His research specializes in representation theory and algebraic geometry. While at University of Texas, Tom ran the Sunday Morning Math Group for two years.
Oleg Gleizer is the Director of ORMC. He has been working for the Circle since 2011. Oleg received his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2001 from Northeastern University of Boston, specializing in representation theory and special functions. Oleg sees his mission in inventing ways to present some important parts of modern day math (and occasionally computer science, economics and physics), typically reserved for college, to the children from age four and up.

Circle Docents

Deniz Akin is a fourth year undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in mathematics. She will be assisting in the Advanced 1A class this year.
Claribel Alcantar is a parent volunteer providing logistical support in the BNP Bridge program. She was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. She graduated from California State University Northridge, with a B.A. in Sociology and Criminology. Subsequently, Claribel completed a Masters Degree from California State University, Long Beach in Public Policy and Administration. On her spare time, she enjoys physical fitness and rekindling her love for the “digits” zero through nine with her sons Miguel and Matthew.
Miguel Alcantar
Mustafa Alelg Mustafa Alelg
Ellery Alkotob Ellery Alkotob is a second year undergraduate student at UCLA, majoring in Environmental Science with a concentration in Environmental Engineering. She taught STEM subjects to elementary and middle school students throughout high school, and is excited to continue teaching with ORMC. Outside of school, she enjoys hiking, traveling, and reading.
Kason Ancelin is a second-year undergraduate studying Applied Mathematics at UCLA. He will be an instructor in the Olympiads Training course. His academic interests outside of mathematics include economics, game theory, and physiological and nutrition science. Outside of the classroom, he enjoys athletics and hanging out with friends in the dorm lounges. His best friend is Sanjit D, also an instructor for the Math Circle. See Sanjit below.
Aaron Anderson is a sixth-year grad student in Mathematics at UCLA, with a BS from Caltech. His research relates to logic and combinatorics.
Anwita Anil Anwita Anil currently is a rising freshman at Oak Park High school. She is working as an assistant teacher at ORMC. Aside from math, she is passionate about music and dance.
Asher Avisar is a junior at Campbell Hall who loves math. In his free time, he enjoys robotics, astrophotography, programming, and listening to music. Asher is excited to help students who appreciate math just as much as he does.
Albert Baeumer is a first-year Ph.D. student in mathematics at UCLA. He finished his undergraduate in New Zealand where he studied mathematics and physics. His research interests are loosely applied analysis: such as PDEs, Stochastics and Asymptotic Analysis. In his spare time, he is interested in playing jazz guitar, skiing or hiking in the New Zealand Alps, and watching New Zealand play cricket or rugby.
Alex Bai is a sophomore at Sierra Canyon School. He loves math and physics and enjoys playing chess and board games in his free time. Alex has been an AIME qualifier since 7th grade and recently qualified for the USAJMO in 9th grade. He is excited to share his passion for mathematics with his peers and eagerly looks forward to working with them.
Mohit Bansil Mohit Bansil is a PhD student in math studying analysis.
America Barrera is a second year undergraduate at UCLA studying Data Theory. She is an active member in the Regents Scholar Society and Salsa Society at UCLA. In her free time she enjoys dancing, trying new foods, and exploring LA!
Kaitlyn Baughman is a second-year at UCLA studying math of computation. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and crafting. She is excited to be assisting with math circle this year!
Sofia Behzadi Sofia Behzadi is a sophomore at UCLA studying Computer Science and Engineering in the Samueli School of Engineering. She will be leading one of the Intermediate 1 classes, and has been working for UCLA Math Circle for a little two years now. She is an alumni of LACES.
Larsen Bier is a third-year undergraduate at UCLA studying math with interests in analysis, deep learning, and programming. He is an assistant instructor for Intermediate 1A, and in his free time he enjoys skiing, drawing, and playing piano.
Miranda Billawala Miranda Billawala is a first-year undergraduate student at UCLA studying pure mathematics. She recently joined Math Circle and looks forward to working with students of all ages. To wind down, she enjoys playing sports or watching sitcoms.
Andreas Boulios Andreas Boulios is a UCLA undergraduate student, studying mathematics.
Charles Breeden is a rising sophomore at Troy High School, interested in math and science. He hopes to help kids understand proofs and their motivations when teaching.
Sarah Brown
Terrin Busby Thompson
Raymond Cai Raymond Cai is a High School Sophomore who is enthusiastic about teaching, and enjoys solving challenging math problems.
Preston Carroll Preston Carroll is an UCLA alumnus of the Class of 2019, graduating with a degree in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics with a minor in Mathematics. He is currently a biochemistry researcher at UC Irvine, focusing on muscular dystrophies as well as DNA damage and repair mechanisms.
Siddarth Chalasani
Evan Chang is a first year mechanical engineering major interested in anything with robotics and computers. In his free time, he enjoys playing chess and video games.
William Chang is a first-year Ph.D. student in applied mathematics mathematics. He finished his undergraduate at USC where he studied mathematics and ECE. He qualified for the AIME 3 times in high school, and was top 500 in 2020 Putnam competition. For more about his academic background please see: williamc.me In his free time he likes to practice TKD and sing; he has a cover channel on youtube @WilliamChangMusic
Andreia Chapouto
Tracy Charles Tracy Charles
Brian Chau Brian Chau is a third-year Data Theory major at UCLA. He likes to watch shows, play video games, and go hiking in his free time. He is excited to be able to help the Intermediate 2 class this year.
Alfred Chaw Alfred Chaw is a third year Math student at UCLA. He enjoys teaching and learning Mathematics/Chemistry. In his free time, he is a distance runner.
William Chen William Chen is a 9th grader. He likes to read and play video games. He has gotten an honorable mention on the USAJMO math contest, and has qualified for AIME 3 times. He is happy to have the opportunity to volunteer in Math Circle.
Hugh Cheng is a junior at Harvard-Westlake and has been a math circle enjoyer since 2013.
Joy Cheng Joy Cheng is a sophomore studying computer science at UCLA. She was an avid member of Math Circle starting in fourth grade and enjoys sharing her love for math with younger students in Math Circle, local elementary/middle schools, and beyond. She is excited to be working with ORMC this quarter!
Kylar Cheng
Bockman Cheung is a first-year undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in Mathematics. He is broadly interested in algebra and analysis and their applications. If he is not thinking about math problems, you can find him reading literature, discussing philosophy and politics, writing opinion columns, playing chamber music, and going to concerts and plays.
Asher Christian is a second year undergraduate studying math of computation at UCLA. He enjoys hiking, card games, and days at the beach.
Giovanni Cinque is a 3rd year undergraduate majoring in Physics at UCLA. He has a passion for physics and mathematics, as well as teaching and helping others understand these challenging subjects. Outside of studies, he enjoys playing guitar, cooking, and spending time with friends.
Rose Cohen Rose Cohen is a senior at Geffen Academy at UCLA who loves logic and games.
Marcus Collins is a freshman at the Harvard-Westlake school. He has been attending ORMC since second grade, and this is his first year as an assistant instructor for the Beginners 1C class. He loves visual math, like graph theory and knot theory. Outside of school, he loves to row and plays the saxophone for his school band. This previous year, his Latin team won the state championship for Certamen, a Latin quizbowl.
Taneesha Daga is a rising junior at UCLA pursuing Mathematics/Economics. She became an instructor with ORMC this summer for Beginners 1A and 1B.
Mikenever Dai is a junior at Harvard Westlake School and is excited to help teach the UCLA Math Circle AMC 10/12 as an assistant instructor. He has been an assistant instructor for the Circle science 2022. He attended UCLA Math Circle for 2 years. He has been an AIME qualifier since 9th grade with Distinction Honor Roll. He loves math and enjoys solving challenging math problems. Outside of math, he has a passion for computational and data science, as well as philosophy, oil painting, marathon running, reading and fencing.
Sanjit Dandapanthula is a fourth-year undergraduate studying mathematics at UCLA. Outside of mathematics, his academic interests include computer science and statistics. This year, he will be a lead instructor for the Intermediate 2B section at the Circle. In his free time, he enjoys mountaineering, playing the bamboo flute, and volunteering at Crisis Text Line. And Kason Ancelin is his best friend in the whole wide world; see Kason above.
Snehesh Das
August Deer is a rising Junior assisting with the Intermediate 1 group. He has attended UCLA Math Circle since 3rd grade, and currently attends the Olympiad 2 and Advanced 3 courses. This will be his second summer volunteering as a table instructor. Besides math, August enjoys film-making, piano, computer science, and is a Junior Member of the Magic Castle.
Natalie Deering is a high school junior and is excited to help teach the Advanced 1A group as an assistant instructor. She has attended UCLA Math Circle for 8 years. Her mathematical interests include set theory and analysis. Outside of math, she enjoys music, history, and hiking.
Ethan Diana
Sachi Dieker is the Associate Director of ORMC. She received her B.S. in Financial Actuarial Mathematics from UCLA in December 2023. During her time at UCLA, Sachi was deeply involved in the Math Department, notably through the Undergraduate Math Council, where she first served as the Director of Undergraduate Events and later as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion. In addition to her administrative role, she actively engages students as an instructor at ORMC, fostering a passion for mathematics in the next generation.
Vivian Dinson Vivian Moy-Dinson is a K-5 teacher for the past 17 years. She received her Masters with honors in Education from Azusa Pacific University and her Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies from Cal Poly Pomona University. Vivian joined the Math Circle in 2017.
Jiahan Du [Jiahan][Du] is a graduate student in the math department.
Lucas Duckworth Lucas Duckworth is a fourth year undergraduate studying pure mathematics. He is interested in mathematical logic and its use in fields such as measure theory and group theory. In his free time, he enjoys walks and, of course, studying mathematics.
Anvesha Dutta
Sam Eisenbach Sam Eisenbach is a sophomore at UCLA completing a double major in math and physics. He is passionate about helping kids deepen their understanding of math.
Koffi Enakoutsa Koffi Enakoutsa
Joshua Enwright
Natalie Epshtein is a first-year student at UCLA studying biochemistry. In her free time, she enjoys dancing and spending time with her friends.
Zenith Farin is the Communications Manager at the UCLA Department of Mathematics and assists with the administrative duties of the Math Circle. If you have any questions or concerns regarding donations, please contact Zenith at zenith@math.ucla.edu.
Jack Fasching is co-leading the Advanced 1B class for the 2024/25 school year. Currently a UCLA undergraduate studying Applied Math, he enjoys helping the younger students on their math journey and has assistant instructed various grade levels during the school year and summer sessions for the past three years. Prior to college, Jack was a student in ORMC for ten years, as well as a participant in Olympiad training and multi-year AIME qualifier. In his free time, he enjoys math-related digital design and logic puzzles.
Fernando Figueroa Zamora
Daniel Fridman
Thomas Gannon
William Garland
Sam Gawboy Hunter Gawboy is an enthusiastic Math and Physics graduate from UCLA. He has always had interest in finding how the areas of his studies interact with and provide greater understanding of each other. In terms of tutoring and teaching, his goal is to have his students not only understand and be able to use what is taught, but to also have an opinion and overall enthusiasm about the topic.
Konstantin Gaydev is a rising senior attending North Hollywood High School. A long time student of the Math Circle, he is excited to teach mathematics to other students. He loves playing video games in his spare time.
Matthew Gherman is a graduate student in the UCLA Department of Mathematics. He has worked as an assistant and now a lead instructor in the Math Circle for a few years. He enjoys running and rooting for DC sports and, his alma mater, Duke.
Nikita Gladkov is a graduate math student at UCLA. As a student, he has participated in miscellaneous olympiads up to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). He then served as a coordinator for IMO.
Gregory Gleizer
Oleg Gleizer Oleg Gleizer is a pedagogical innovator. His daily job is creating the 21st century math curriculum. Dr. Gleizer takes the best from the great textbooks and teachers of the past, mostly Russian and American, and adds the math typically taught in college, adjusting it to the cognitive level of his students, from kindergarten to 12th grade. Dr. Gleizer has graduated with honors from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics at Moscow State University, got his Ph.D. in math at Northeastern University, and was a Post. Doc. and assistant professor at UCLA Department of Mathematics.
Mya Greene Quargs Greene is a graduate of USC from the Music and Linguistics programs. Quargs has been a docent at ORMC for the past seven years and is currently a part-time freelancer.
Cole Grossman Cole Grossman is a rising junior at Harvard-Westlake. He has participated in Math Circle since 2015. In his free time Cole enjoys playing soccer, watching sports, and playing video games.
Archer Gu is a 3rd year Applied Mathematics major. He has competed in a variety of math competitions in high school and enjoys teaching math and solving mathematical puzzles. Some of his other hobbies include drawing and hiking.
Pavan Gudavalli Pavan Gudavalli is a current 2nd year undergraduate majoring in CS, Math, and Econ. Competing in numerous math contests through middle/high school, Pavan hopes to help future students find success through their own endeavours. Some hobbies Pavan is interested in include video games, golfing, running, and creating new things.
David Hadi is a 10th grader at Harvard-Westlake School. He helps teach the ORMC chess club. He loves computer science and math, especially when teaching it to others. He is interested in developing applications that provide meaningful services, whatever that entails—still figuring it out.
Lucas Hallam is a 2nd year Mathematics major at UCLA. In his free time he enjoys skiing, bouldering and playing chess.
Paul Hawkins is a second year Aerospace Engineering major also interested in statistics. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, running, and spending time with friends.
Zoe Heidersbach Zoe Heidersbach is a fourth-year Biochemistry major and History minor at UCLA. In her free time, she enjoys reading and dancing. She is excited to be part of math circle.
Kevin Heo is a rising junior at LACES High School. He is excited to start his first year as an assistant instructor in the beginners 1A class.
Daniel Hoff is the Curriculum and Instructional Supervisor for the math circle advanced groups. He received his PhD in Mathematics from UC San Diego in 2016 and now researches and teaches as a postdoc in the UCLA Department of Mathematics, where his primary research is in functional analysis, with a focus on operator algebras and their connections to fields such as ergodic theory and measured group theory. He has been working with the math circle since 2017, when he first had the opportunity to be amazed by its students and program.
Hanchen Huang
Jason Huang is a second-year math+cs major. In his free time, he likes to play piano and watch movies. He enjoyed participating in math competitions in high school and is excited to be a co-lead for the AMC class.
Kyle Huang is a high school senior at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science. He has been part of the math circle for five years, and is co-leading the Beginners 2B class with Sofia Behzadi this year.
Yifeng Huang Yifeng Huang is an Assistant Professor (RTPC) at the University of Southern California. Previously, he was a postdoc at the University of British Columbia and a graduate student at the University of Michigan. His research interest is algebra and combinatorics.
Logan Hyslop is a second year undergraduate at UCLA, broadly interested in many forms of abstract nonsense. My interests will be kept more up to date on my website here: https://loganhyslop.github.io/.
Eli Jaffe
Morgan Joeck Morgan Joeck is excited to be part of the Math Circle again. He teaches algebra and geometry for LAUSD at Bishop Conaty ? Our Lady of Loretto. He went to UCLA for his Bachelor?s degree in psychology and Master?s degree in education. Morgan is a member of the California Mathematics Council and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and attends their local and national conferences annually.
Sinaya Joshi
Alexa Kagiwada is a junior at the Archer School for Girls. Outside of Math Circle, she enjoys doing robotics, basketball, and reading.
Narayanan Kannan is a second year undergraduate at UCLA studying Applied Mathematics. Outside of mathematics, his academic interests include machine learning and data science. He will be an assistant instructor in the Intermediate 1A class. In his free time he enjoys watching football and basketball, and reading.
Stepan Kazanin
Stephen Kelman is a fourth year Computer Science major at UCLA, pursuing a double major in Mathematics. He participated in math competitions from high school and has experience teaching math to students of all ages. In his free time, he enjoys biking, swimming, and playing piano.
Nakul Khambhati is a third year undergraduate studying Mathematics and Computer Science at UCLA. He is interested in pursuing a PhD in theoretical computer science. In his free time, he enjoys playing sports and board games.
Ameer Khan is a UCLA undergraduate studying Applied Math. Ameer enjoys playing strategy games, going to the beach, and playing golf.
Alexandra Kim
Caleb Kim
Emily Kim is a rising senior at UCLA, majoring in Applied Math. She is so excited to be assisting the Beginner 2 group this summer.
Arul Kolla
Rhea Kommerell is a first-year PhD student at UCLA. Her mathematical interests are in algebraic geometry and assorted abstract nonsense (see Wikipedia!), but her favorite part of math is the people who do it. In her free time, you’ll find her faking it till she makes it at embroidery, cooking, yoga, crossword puzzles, and friendly debates.
Sai Kommireddy is a high school senior. She has been attending math circle since the beginning of high school and has assisted with both the Beginners 1A and 2A classes. She thoroughly enjoys challenging herself through complex math problems and hopes to be able to share her love for math with others.
Sasha Kononova is a second-year undergraduate studying math and physics. Outside of STEMey pursuits, she enjoys listening to and playing music--she plays piano and a bit of classical guitar--, writing, researching random topics from dissociative identity disorder to the evolution of the mythology J.R.R. Tolkien created, of which she has been a fan for many years.
Matthew Kowalski Matthew Kowalski is a fourth-year PhD student in mathematics at UCLA. He did his undergraduate at Michigan State University where he studied mathematics and physics. His research interests are in dispersive partial differential equations, which are equations that model quantum systems and water waves.
Irina Kryukov Irina Kryukov
Nadya Kuzkina Nadya Kuzkina
Jane Kwak is a third-year undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in mathematics. She will be an assistant instructor for the Intermediate 1A class.
Leonardo Lam is a first-year high school student. This year, he will be an assistant instructor for the Beginners 2A class, while also attending Advanced 1B at the Circle. Leo joined the Math Circle when he was 5 years old and has enjoyed the challenge of math ever since. In the 2021-22 school year, he partnered with a local school district to create an ORMC satellite; Leo taught elementary-aged students from across the district using the curriculum created by Dr. Gleizer and Dr. Radko. Aside from math, Leo enjoys playing the violin, spending time with friends, swimming, reading, and playing board games.
Catherine Lange is the lead instructor for the Beginners 1B class. She has previously been an assistant instructor for the Intermediate 1B, and Intermediate II classes. She is a second year UCLA student currently studying Physics. Her other interests include theater, neuroscience, improv, chemistry, and writing.
Aiden Lee
Hannah Lee is a high school student who has joined the Circle in 7th grade. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, running with her dog, reading, programming, and listening to music.
Leigh Anne Lemoine is a third year undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in Data Theory. She looks forward to being an assistant instructor for the Beginners 2A class this year. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the outdoors.
James Leng
Bill Li is an incoming third-year undergraduate studying computer engineering. He is looking forward to helping with the Intermediate 2 class this year.
Haoyu Li
Kevin Li Kevin Li is a fourth year Applied Mathematics major with an intention of double majoring in computer science. He informally taught advanced single variable calculus classes with teachers in his high school alongside taking computation and competition preparation courses at WCSU. He loves music (esp. piano), tennis, and playing games.
Wenyuan Li
Sunny Liang is a third year undergraduate studying physics and other stuff. He also enjoys literature and exploration. He is currently a co-lead for Advanced 1B.
Doug Lichtman is a professor of law at UCLA. He started teaching for Math Circle in the 2019/20 academic year.
Brandon Lim
Curtis Liu is a second year undergraduate studying Mathematics at UCLA. He has experience in various math competitions and enjoys helping students with problem solving.
Hunter Liu is a second-year Applied Math and Neuroscience double major. He is an absolute nerd when it comes to math, so he loves sharing all the cool ideas and concepts he learns about! Aside from math, you can catch him writing, making music, or coding projects in the wild.
Jenelle Liu is a high school student at Geffen Academy and has been with the ORMC since 2013. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, listening to music, reading, and knitting!
Jiantong Liu is a fourth-year undergraduate studying pure math and cognitive science. His primary interest in math lies in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry. Outside of math, he enjoys reading and playing chess.
Brad Lowe Brad Lowe
Akash Madiraju Akash Madiraju is a second-year Computer Science Major at UCLA. He is interested in competitive programming and algebra, and loves sharing his interests with students. In his free time, he performs in the UCLA marching band, plays SSBU and Rocket League, and watches sports.
Zachary Maeder-Wolland is a second year undergraduate student at UCLA, double majoring in math and physics. Topics relating to areas of pure mathematics and theoretical physics like linear algebra, abstract geometries, and differential equations pique his academic interests. Outside of the classroom, Zac loves to cook, to watch and play basketball along with other sports, and to lift.
Sean Maguire is a junior undergraduate student studying mechanical engineering at UCLA.
Aman Makhija is a second year undergraduate at UCLA, studying mathematics. When he is not trying to solve analysis problems, he spends his free time playing classical guitar, singing, and going down random philosophical or meteorological rabbit holes.
Bahattin Kaan Malta is a third-year Mathematics/Economics major at UCLA. He is interested in finance and mathematics, and hopes to pursue a career that combines his interests. In his free time, he likes playing piano, going to gym, and debating.
Elias Manuelides
Atticus Masuzawa Atticus Masuzawa is a rising sophomore at Sierra Canyon School. He is an AIME qualifier and is exited to be an assistant instructor for the Beginners 1 class. Outside of math, he enjoys fishing and reading.
Thomas McCurley is a rising high school freshman and math enthusiast. He is an AIME qualifier. Besides math, he is also a passionate soccer player, chess player and enjoys playing video games with his friends. He is thrilled to be part of the math circle community and an assistant instructor.’
Ashkan Moazzez is a parent volunteer who loves math. While he is a professor of surgery at UCLA and an attending surgeon at Harbor UCLA Medical Center, his life long interest in math and teaching lead him to start as an instructor at ORMC.
Joaquin Moraga is an assistant professor at UCLA. Previously, he was a postdoct at Princeton University and a graduate student at the University of Utah.
Seth Nabat is a junior in high school. He loves studying machine learning and quantum information theory. Seth conducts research in computational particle physics. Outside of math, he enjoys composing on the piano, programming, and biking around Los Angeles.
Zoya Naeem is a third year Financial and Actuarial Mathematics student at UCLA. She is excited to teach at the Circle and expand on her interest in Mathematics alongside students and fellow instructors. In her downtime, Zoya enjoys reading, traveling and exploring new cuisines.
Sumith Nalabolu is a second year undergraduate student at UCLA studying math and computer science. He participated in math competitions throughout middle school and high school, and has taught classes at the San Diego Math Circle. Aside from math, his other interests include basketball, speedcubing, and watching anime.
Samuel Paik-Heintz is a sophomore at North Hollywood High School and loves anything STEM. He looks forward to teaching Beginners 2.
Bryan Patron is a senior at UCLA studying to become a high school maths teacher. His favourite areas of math include set theory, number theory, and logic. He is also an avid chess player.
Arjun Pawar is pursuing a major in Math of Computation and a minor in Linguistics. He enjoys learning and reading about languages, watching movies, trying out new food dishes, and playing around with datasets using Python. Some of the college classes he has enjoyed are linear algebra, probability, stochastic processes, phonetics, and phonology! He looks forward to getting involved with the Intermediate batch this year.
Ethan Peng
Ibrahim Piri
Saida Piri is a sophomore at UCLA studying Computational Mathematics. She has been a part of Math Circle since the 4th grade. In her free time she enjoys traveling, reading, playing tennis, and programming. She loves to teach math and is really excited to help the Beginners classes!
Mark Ponomarenko is an ORMC and UCLA alumnus, studying discrete math and computer science. He has lead the 'Advanced' group for many years, and also knows a bit about Linux, old tech, and martial arts.
Aditee Prabhutendolkar Aditee Prabhutendolkar is a freshman at Caltech with a major in Computational and Neural Systems and a minor in CS. She attended LAMC throughout middle school and high school and created a branch of the math circle in the Arcadia school district. She is excited to be the co-lead instructor of the AMC preparation class.
Maksym Prokopovych is an ORMC alumnus and 4th year Computer Engineering undergraduate at UCLA. Maksym found his love for math in the 7 years he was a student with ORMC and is glad to return to the program as a docent to inspire the next generation of math lovers.
Hengyuan Qi is a fourth year at UCLA. His current major is applied mathematics. Beside math, he is also interested in music and writing. He loves basketball and often watches anime in his free time.
Lydia Qin is a high school senior. She has participated in Math Circle for over ten years. She loves teaching math to enthusiastic kids and has assisted Beginners 1, Beginners 2, and AMC 8 classes. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and playing ultimate frisbee.
Nathan Quirion is an undergraduate transfer student at UCLA majoring in pure mathematics. He has previously attended LAMC/ORMC for 7 years and has served as a TA in physics at his community college. In addition to math and physics, he enjoys studying topics such as philosophy, Latin, anthropology, and the connections between seemingly disparate subjects. In his spare time, he draws and writes fantasy fiction.
Samuel Qunell Sam Qunell is a fourth year Ph.D. student studying representation theory. He obtained his Bachelors degrees in mathematics and in physics from UIUC. He enjoys reading and watching movies.
Shriya Rajesh is a Junior in high school. She is interested in math and likes to teach others math as well. She also likes programming and solving challenging problems.
britney robinson
Prince Rohatgi Prince Rohatgi, High School Student at OPHS
Marcus Roper is a professor in the UCLA Department of Mathematics, and in Computational Medicine. In research, he is interested in connections between math and sciences and engineering. He is excited to be teaching Beginner 2B.
Jordan Rowe Jordan Rowe
Xavier Rowe Xavier Rowe is a junior and has been with ORMC for more than 10 years now and has been volunteering throughout high school.
Michael Salko is a high school student who has been with the ORMC since the third grade and is very enthusiastic about mathematics.
Ananya Sampat is a second-year Math of Computation major. She enjoys math and is looking forward to assistant teaching this year. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, art, and going out with friends.
Sucharit Sarkar is a professor in the UCLA Department of Mathematics. His reasearch interest is topology.
Naji Sarsam is a fourth-year undergraduate math major at UCLA who is interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics. Outside of math, his interest/hobbies include practicing martial arts and language learning. He is excited to be a co-lead instructor for the Intermediate 1A class this 2022-2023 year!
Shimon Schlessinger is a junior at Harvard-Westlake and is excited to be a co-lead instructor for Beginners 2C this year. Outside of math, he is interested in reading Latin, technical theater, and playing board games.
Cameron Schofield is a fourth-year undergraduate math and computer science major at UCLA. He is excited to be working with the math circle. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and traveling.
Dylan Shah [Dylan][Shah]
Andy Shen is a fourth year Computer Science undergrad. He joined the Math Circle in 2020, and is excited to pass on his mathematical passion through teaching. In his free time, Andy enjoys sketching and reading to unwind, and playing volleyball/basketball to let loose.
Robert Shen Bobby Shen graduated from MIT in 2017. He works at a startup in the West Los Angeles area working on audio / video signal processing. He othought it would be fun to suddenly join the UCLA Math Circle in free time but it was very strange timing.
Christopher Shiell
Aidan Shin Aidan Shin is a freshman at Troy High School. He has qualified for AIME since 6th grade, and outside of math, he likes coding and chess.
Richemond Shin is a UCLA undergrad studying evolutionary and computational biology. He has been with Math Circle since 1st grade and enjoys taking part in introducing students to higher level math.
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
Robert Shlyakhtenko
Zachary Smith
Dana Soibel is a freshman at UCLA studying applied mathematics. She attended ORMC for 6 years and will be leading one of the Beginners 2 classes. She taught a satellite math circle at the Caltech Postdoctoral Association STEM for Families program throughout middle and high school, and she is excited to continue teaching! In her free time, Dana enjoys going hiking, playing soccer, and reading.
Jackson Solheid
Nathan Solomon is a second-year math and physics major at UCLA. In his free time, he enjoys programming, cooking, and listening to music.
Sahana Sri is a senior at Oak Park High School. She has been a student at the Circle for 9 years, and has been teaching the AMC 8 Training Class for two years.
Srinjana Sriram
Hannah Steinberg is a fourth-year undergraduate double-majoring in Cognitive Science and Statistics. She was a math circle student starting at age 7.
Max Steinberg is a 5th-year pure math major at UCLA in representation theory. Outside of math, he enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, programming, and chess.
Atticus Stewart
Glenn Sun is a fourth-year undergraduate math major at UCLA. He is strongly interested in combinatorics and theoretical computer science, and has experience TAing for classes in various high school summer programs. In his free time, he watches anime and Kdramas, cooks, and plays video games.
Jacob Swenberg is a 4th year Mathematics Ph.D. student at UCLA, studying number theory. He received his B.A. in Mathematics from Dartmouth in 2021. His primary research interests lie in the intersection of Iwasawa theory and arithmetic geometry, especially of Shimura varieties. Jacob finds great joy sharing cool math with others, both as a Teaching Assistant at UCLA and at the Math Circle!
Chynna Swift is a fourth year pre-med student majoring in microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics (MIMG) and minoring in Spanish. She has a passion for math and she is honored to be able to carry on Olga Radko‘s legacy by showing young students the beauty of math as well. This will be her 4th year in the Math Circle and she is excited to be the lead instructor of Intermediate 1B this year. She loves that she has been able to see her students grow as mathematicians and kind humans over the years! Outside of Math Circle, she is involved in virology research, she is a part in UCLA’s Afrikan Student Union as president of Curls U, and she loves going to concerts, Disneyland, and the beach.
Sowmika Talanki Lakshmi Sowmika Talanki is a rising sophomore at Oak Park High School. She is going to be working as an assistant teacher at the math circle. She is passionate about math, art, and music. She is excited to start teaching!
Seth Tang Seth Tang is an Assistant Instructor at Advanced 1B class for winter and spring of 2025. He looks forward to becoming a better instructor this year while learning more math!
Yan Tao is a third-year undergrad pure mathematics major here at UCLA, and this is his third year teaching at the LAMC. In the future he plans to go to graduate school to study differential geometry or another closely related mathematical area. Before coming to UCLA, he taught some classes of a similar nature for the San Diego Math Circle in high school. He also has plenty of competition math experience from elementary school, middle school, high school, and here at UCLA, where he scored in the top 500 on last year’s Putnam. He is also a peer mentor for the UCLA Regents Scholar Society.
Diana Tolu is an undergraduate mathematics student at UCLA. During high school, she represented Romania in the IMO and EGMO. Driven by her passion for math Olympiads, she is dedicated to inspiring younger generations with her enthusiasm for mathematics.
Hillary Tong is a junior at Fairfax High and loves anything STEM. She is a member of her schools robotics and cybersecurity teams and has taken on numerous leadership roles to promote enthusiasm and diversity in math and engineering in her school and community.
Brennan Ty Ty Brennan
Ajay Kumar Verma works as a Senior Quant Engineer at an Investment Management Company. Born and brought up in India , i am an MBA in Finance. I like simplifying complex topics, making them accessible and engaging to learn. I believe Math is the most natural language of human beings and have really enjoyed inculcating the math skills within our kid since his early childhood. I look forward to fostering a love for math and finance in young minds as a parent volunteer.
Marcus Vidaurri is a second-year Mechanical Engineering student at UCLA. This is his first year with ORMC. He is passionate about understanding the universe through mathematics and extending that passion to the next generation. Outside of school he enjoys playing basketball, mountain biking, playing piano, reading, and admiring nature.
Adyanshi Vira Adyanshi Vira is a current junior at Geffen Academy at UCLA. She has been a student at ORMC for over 9 years and an instructor for 2. She participates in countless Math competitions and was a 2023 AIME qualifier. Aside from math, Adi is also passionate about Chemistry, Music, Volleyball, and Photography. She loves working with kids and is very excited to lead Beginners 1 during this academic year!
Viranshi Vira
Tanish Vora
Yash Vora Yash Vora is a high school junior at LACES high school. He has been a member of the math circle since the second grade! Aside from math, Yash is a big chess player and has been playing ever since he was 7 years old. He is very excited to meet all of you!
Benjamin Wang is a 3rd year undergraduate at UCLA studying physics. He has an interest in plasma physics and enjoys playing chess in his free time.
Joshua Wang
Rui Wang is a second-year undergraduate studying mathematics. Outside of school, he enjoys jazz and orchestral music, playing tennis, and working out. Currently, he is an assistant instructor for the Beginners 2B section.
Terry Wang Terry Wang is a current undergraduate pure math major at UCLA, with a particular interest in analysis and optimization. In his spare time he likes to ski and listen to classical music.
Christopher Weng Christopher Weng - Math Circle Student and Summer Assistant Instructor
Emily Widjaja is a second-year undergraduate student at UCLA. She is majoring in Financial Actuarial Mathematics. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, music, and meeting new people.
Zane Witter is an undergraduate Math and Computer Science major entering his third year at UCLA. In addition to working for the Math Circle, he volunteers as a tutor for the computing honor society Upsilon Pi Epsilon. Zane has a passion for linear algebra, and outside of academics enjoys running and playing piano.
Eric Wu Eric Wu is a second-year undergraduate student who is majoring in math of computation. Besides math, he is also interested in puzzles and Rubiks Cubes. He is very excited to be an assistant instructor at the ORMC!
Lenny Wu is a second year undergraduate student pursuing majors in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at UCLA. In her free time, she makes recipes and shoots photos for her food blog, Vegamelon. She also enjoys running, lifting weights, reading, and playing piano. Lenny has tutored students in math and other STEM subjects since high school, and she is always thrilled to help others learn.
Kyle Xu
Phoebe Xu is a high school junior who loves teaching math and working with kids in general. She has been in Math Circle for over eight years and frequently participates in math competitions. She is also really looking forward to teaching in the AMC 8 Math Circle class. In her free time, Phoebe also loves to listen to music, read, draw, write, and play the piano.
Daniel Yang is a third year undergraduate at UCLA studying computer engineering and applied mathematics. He was a student at UCLA Math Circle in middle school and high school, and is excited to return as an instructor.
Jerry Yang is a rising third-year undergraduate student majoring in mathematics and economics. He is interested in the theory of pure mathematics as well as how it applies to other fields like economics. He likes teaching math to younger students, and have tutored multiple high school students on calculus classes. In his spare time, he likes running, playing the piano, and playing games.
Darren Yilmaz Darren Yilmaz
Jiarui Yu Jiarui Yu is a third-year undergraduate student at UCLA, majoring in Computational Mathematics.
Runze Yu is a fourth-year undergraduate at UCLA studying mathematics. He has been participating in math competitions since high school, and he continues to find a passion in teaching math. Outside math classrooms, he is interested in linguistics and enjoys learning new languages. In his free time he enjoys running, playing soccer and watching anime.
Yifan (Frank) Yuan
Huaxing Zeng is a third-year undergraduate double majoring in applied math and economics here at UCLA. She is passionate in exploring fun and entertaining ways to appreciate math. She is excited to be working with ORMC this quarter as an assistant instructor.
Qiao Zhang is a high school freshman who joined Math Circle in 2nd grade and is currently an assistant instructor for the Intermediate 2 class. Qiao is passionate about math and is an avid problem solver, getting perfect scores in the AMC 8 and AMC 10 competitions. He qualified for USAJMO since 7th grade and is a recipient of the Spirit of Ramanujan Fellowship. Qiao is excited to pass his love for math to his peers. Besides math, Qiao is also a passionate solo and chamber music player. In his spare time, he enjoys playing chess and board games with his friends, creating math problems, and taking “mathematical” walks with his family.
Rachel Zhang is a third year undergraduate student at UCLA, majoring in Computational and Systems Biology (C&SB) with a concentration in biological data sciences. She is excited to be an assistant instructor for the Beginners 2A class this year.
Connor Zhao is a rising freshman at North Hollywood High School. He has been in Math Circle since 2nd grade and is eager to be an assistant instructor. He has participated in many math competitions, qualifying for AIME since 7th grade and has taught several classes in the past. In his free time, Connor enjoys playing online chess, reading, and watching Youtube videos.
Frank Zheng Frank Zheng is a third-year UCLA student studying math and computer science. He loves working with students and is excited to be an instructor for ORMC! Outside of school, he enjoys reading, making digital art, and learning new things.
Erica Zhou is a second-year undergraduate student at UCLA studying Mathematics/Economics and Statistics. She has been playing Go, a traditional Chinese chess game, for more than 10 years and enjoyed exploring the interconnection between Go and math. In her free time she also enjoys watching movies/dramas, playing volleyball, painting, cooking, and reading. Having tutored students with math, English, and Go since middle school, Erica is thrilled to join ORMC!
John Xiaoshu Zhou
Shibing Zhou
Hongyu Zhu is a third-year undergraduate student at UCLA. His major is pure mathematics. He likes to talk about mathematical ideas with friends. He served as the leader of his high school math club for two years. Apart from mathematics, he also likes running, reading, and playing the piano. His favorite natural number is currently 112.
Sophie Zhu is a rising senior at Pali. She has been with the Math Circle for several years and is excited to teach younger students. Outside of math, she enjoys playing violin, swimming, and crocheting.
Konstantin Zuev is an assistant teaching professor of computing and mathematical sciences at Caltech.

Previous Years

Osman Akar
Osman Akar
Aaron Anderson
Ria Arora
Jeth Arunseangroj
Salman Avestimehr
Meijke Balay-Mickelson
Farzin Barekat
Kaley Barnett
Krish Bhutwala
Samuel Birns
Francisc Bozgan
Francisc Bozgan
renning bruns
Wenjun Cai
Pietro Carolino
Grant Carroll
Benjamin Chamie
Lavina Chan
Swee Hong Chan
Andre Chen
Xiaoxian (Charlotte) Chen
Zhenyi Chen
Guang Cheng
Hugh Cheng
Katarina Cheng
Eric Chiang
Aaron Cohen
Asher Cohen
Iris Cong
Nicholas Cook
Taylor Corcoran
Kyle Coughlin
Colin Curtis
Lucy Xunyuan Dai
Adam Drown
Torrey Duan
Kristen Fukunaga
Alin Galatan
Ishita Gambhir
Andrew George
Clinton Givens
Dani Glouberman
Katja Goldring
Yifan Gu
Michael Hall
Luke Harmon
Kyle Hess
Jeff Hicks
Emmanuelle Hodara
Bryan Hu
Gavin Hu
Samanda (Yuting) Hu
Clark Huang
Haiyu Huang
Rong Huang
Cole Hugelmeyer
Samuel Hunter
Kristi Intara
Scott James
Dylan Jamner
Fushuai Jiang
Morgan Joeck
Stella Joh
Ashin Jose
Rohan Joshi
Derek Jung
Rajiv Kaipa
Shreyas Kamath
Ufuk Kanat
Joshua Keefe
Harris Khan
Eli Kirshbaum
Max Kroft
Ellen Kulinsky
Don Laackman
Angela Lam
Daji Landis
Joyce Law
Alexander Leatham
John Lensmire
Jeff Lewis
Jeff Lewis
Claire Li
Yingkun Li
Hairan Liang
Zhengjun (Jasper) Liang
Elizabeth Lim
Ben Lin
Jackie Lira-Kapner
Alvin Liu
Florence Liu
Adam Lott
Anton Lykov
Matthew Mallory
Samir Mallya
Roshan Mandayam
Katy McDonald
Jiayun Meng
Maral Meredova
Travis Meyer
Konstantin Miagkov
Anika Misra
Caitlin Newsom
James Newton
Daniel Nghiem
Huan-Sony Nguyen
Danh Nguyen Luu
Daniel O?Connor
Noah Olander
Jason O?Neill
Tudor Padurariu
Janet Page
April Pan
Caleb Partin
Alexandru Pascadi
Niket Patel
Arjun Pawar
Alyssa Perez
Stephanie Pham
Prateek Puri
Michael Puthawala
Steven Qu
Anand Rajagopalan
Aaditya Ramesh
Nitya Ravi
Nitya Ravi
Eilon Reisin-Tzur
Zhin Pyoung Rhee
Prince Rohatgi
Lauren Rosas
Will Rosenbaum
adrian roth
Xavier Rowe
Christina-Marie Santillan
Courtney Scott
Moe Scott
Katherine Sheu
Joy Shi
Ruby Shi
Isaac Solomon
Melinda Speckmann
Nicholas Stich
Nick Strehlke
Anivrit Subramaniam
Michael Suherman
Mingxi (Iris) Sun
Joshua Swift
Cassandra Tai
Christine Tai
Zheng Tan
Raymond Tao
Adam Toubian
Igor Van Der Put
Venkata Varchasvi Vedula
Luke Vellotti
Pedro Vilela
Ethan Waldman
Ivy Wang
Deven Ware
Danielle Waters
Rose Watson
Sian Wen
Cory Williams
Connor Winn
Jonathan Wolf
Taylor Womack
Michael Wong
Rowan Wong
Andrew Woods
Chloe Wu
Richard (Yuxuan) Xun
Keqin Yan
Daniel Yazdi
Jiayan Ye
Rosalie Yee
Richard Yim
Allen Zhang
Annie Zhang
Jacob Zhang
Jiwei Zhang
John Zhang
Shangjie Zhang
Xinyi Zhang
Xuxin Zhang
Zhihao Zhao
Dillon Zhi
Shend Zhjeqi
ethan zhou