2/19/2023 -- Intermediate 1A: Winter - Coding for SET - Functions and Classes 1Quarter Goals:
Class Logistics: We will meet from 4-6 pm at Math Sciences 6221 Class Plan: We learn about functions and classes in Python, to efficiently program SET. Required Resources: Pencil, eraser, computers, and associated accessories should be brought. The SET card game is not needed for this lesson. Homework Due: We have a second Python homework assignment due by February 19. Please do the following:
Instructions for submission are inside the notebook as well. Homework Assigned:
Please note that we are not asking any students to complete both notebooks. Contact Information: Please reach out to the instructors Andy Shen at andyshen55@g.ucla.edu or Naji Sarsam at najisarsam@g.ucla.edu if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! |