1/12/2025 -- Beginners 2B: Online class on paths over cubes and Egyptian multiplicationHello all, I hope that everyone is safe and doing OK during these difficult and tragic times. As you have heard from Dr. Gleizer, math circle will be remote on Sunday. It is hoped that we will be able to return to in person classes a week from Sunday. The Zoom link for our class is: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93292199283?pwd=VyR0LOL6wN034yhfXyEhyvCvuJodJf.1 I will run through Zoom etiquette at the beginning of class. I have taught two separate Zoom math circles, so I have some strategies for keeping our class interesting. I understand that some children (my own included) have had enough Zoom teaching for one life time, and I will understand if inclination or circumstances prevent families from participating in our Zoom class. For class, children will need: A blank cube A piece of paper large enough to contain a net of the cube Scissors Their workbook To show me and the TAs their working: Either a markerboard and wipeable markers (students who bought transparent sheet protectors for the dot party could use them again, with a plain sheet of paper inside) or:a stack of scratch papers with a Sharpie or other marker to write on with. Stay safe, Marcus. [Edit]